Sunday, June 6, 2010

Book Trailers?

Can someone PLEASE tell me what the point is to book trailers? Is this a movie? No. Is it a TV show? No. Is it some straight to video thingamajig? No. Is it anything that is going to be played out in front of my eyes without me having to invest the time it takes to review the written work of an author? No.

So again, can someone please tell me why we now have all these "book trailers" and "video teasers" for the newest book coming out from some of my favorite authors?! Seriously need emoticons here... ARGH!!!!!! I know this is turning into more of a rant than anything else, but it's my blog...I can do stuff like that and get away with it!

I realize that if any of my friends from Karen Marie Moning's board read this, I may turn into persona non grata. That's okay, I can deal lol. I'm not watching any video trailer for the Fever series. And ya know what? I'm not gonna watch a based-on-the-book movie either. Every awsome-book-turned-into-a-movie has been certifiably HORRIBE!!!! Just plain awful! I read the Twilight books. More than once, I read the Twilight books. All of them. Multiple times. And ya know what, I'm not watching THOSE movies EITHER!!!!

So, if I have no intention of watching a movie based on a book I absolutely adore, why in the wide world of sports would I watch a TRAILER FOR A BOOK!!!!????

Okay, rant over.

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